Who We Are
The blame for starting the MixerDirect mixing machine manufacturing plant can be placed squarely on two men:
Mark Franco – President and CEO
Mark earned a BS in Chemical Engineering from the University of Cincinnati and has spent most of his career in the process industry. He has extensive experience in many areas, from general chemical processing at Henkel, to pioneering pharmaceutical manufacturing initiatives at ISP Chemicals, Creosalus, and Becton Dickinson. He has also developed coatings manufacturing processes while employed by Dana and Ziniz. Building on these experiences, Mark entered the liquid agitator fabrication business to become the VP of Sales and Product Development as well as minority shareholder of Indco Inc. He has launched six businesses, with all but one still in operation today. Mark also is involved in teaching Christian Ethics at Southern Seminary in Louisville, KY, and has a passion for seeing the Gospel impact how Christians operate businesses. Mark and his wife live in Otisco, IN with their six children and are active members of Sojourn Community Church.
Bart Anderson – Principal and COO
Bart is a retired US Navy test pilot and Aeronautical Engineering Duty Officer and has served as a senior executive and/or principal of six other businesses. During his 20 year Navy career he deployed to the western Pacific, the Indian Ocean, and the Mediterranean. Ashore he was Director of Engineering & Quality and Operations for the USN Aircraft Depot in Pensacola, FL. In Washington, DC he served as Deputy Program Manager for the Navy’s OTH radar system. His experience in manufacturing includes management of plants ranging in size from 30 to 3,400 employees, mostly in the aerospace industry. Bart’s functional expertise also includes engineering, data systems, R&D, test and evaluation, program management, and nuclear environmental engineering.
As President of The Heritage Foundation of Rockford, IL, Bart leads a foundation dedicated to support of Christian education, and he has been a leader in the establishment of two Christian schools and the growth of others. He is the owner and principal of NEXTEP Consulting Group, Inc. in Louisville, KY. He lives with his wife of 40 years in Louisville, KY where they are active members of Southeast Christian Church. They have three grown children and eight grandchildren.